Based in Tokyo, Japan.
Kikiorix has played in many clubs and festivals in Japan as well as abroad including Somewhere in Amsterdam by Rush Hour x RDC, Dusk Camp Los Angeles, Fabric London, The End/Aka London, Space Ibiza, Tresor Berlin – and not only Europe but also he was invited to Hawaii, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka etc. Being based in London in 00s, he gained a lot of DJ experiences as a Holic resident together with Tomoki Tamura, and later he got to perform at one of the biggest music festivals in Japan, Fuji Rock Festival as a member of Tresvibes. During weekdays, he is busy working as a designer at Realrockdesign. A resident DJ and designer for Rainbow Disco Club.
2000年代、ロンドンを拠点としてTomoki Tamuraと共に、HOLICのレジデントとしてキャリアをスタート、2007年東京に帰国、TRESVIBES SOUND STSYEMとしてFuji Rock Festival 2016年Red Marqueeへの出演、ソロとしてもRUSH HOUR x RDCによるSomewhere in Amasterdamを始め、Dusk Camp Los Angeles、Fabric London、THE END/AKA London、Space Ibiza、Tresor Berlin、さらにはハワイ、中国、タイ、スリランカなど世界中のクラブに招致されている。
Rainbow Disco Clubでは、デザインとDJを担当。